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Event:Senior Adults: Day Trip/Granville, TN

Date: Wednesday, Dec 06, 2023

Time: 9:30 AM — 2:30 PM

The Christmas Season would not be complete in Granville without our Mayberry Dinner Theatre performances.  The Sutton Store Players provide laughter and good fun at each performance, and to complete your experience, you will enjoy a delicious meal This year enjoy "Mayberry Christmas Gifts."  Plays are adapted from popular episodes of The Andy Griffith Show.

A delicious meal will be served in the Sutton Store Dining Room followed by play performances held at the Granville Event Center. 

$35 Per Person and includes the performances, meal, and bus transportation.

Bus leaves at 11:30am, back by 5pm.

Register by Dec. 3 (limited number of tickets)

Rebecca Blankenship

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