Question |
Answer |
Registration Form - Providence / Registration |
Location Name |
Urban Air |
Location Address |
9950 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32256 |
Ticket Price(s) and Label(s) (ex. Student $0, Chaperone $20, Alumni $15, etc.) |
Student $0, Chaperone $0 |
Description: This is information that will be on our website about your event. Use complete sentences. |
The patrols are going to Urban Air on their annual end-of-the-year field trip. This is a reward for their service to Providence School during carline and dismissal. |
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: |
5th Grade |
Do you want to cap one or more of your registration types (ex. 16 students, 10 chaperones, 300 people)? |
No |
I do not want to publish my registration on the website. My event is by invitation only. Please send me the link when it is ready. |
False |
Vehicle Usage Form - Vehicle / BO2 / Yellow School Bus (44/66 Passenger, 22 Bench Seats) |
Name of Driver |
Linda White |
Is driver an approved driver per our insurance company? |
True |
How many people will be transported in this vehicle? |
31 |
What time will the vehicle be departing for the event? |
11:15 am |
What time will the vehicle be returning from the event? |
2:30 pm |