Providence College Fair
Event ID: 4117976
Schedule ID: 6524622
Location: Main Campus
Date: 09/03/2025
Owner: Matthew Augenstein -
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
# of People: 400

Name Configuration Note
5140 / Men's Locker Room
5149A / Barfield Gymnasium All parties have agreed to utilize the Gym for only this one day and not impact the other school and afterschool Athletics events scheduled and approved in the gym before and after this event.
5149B / Barfield Gymnasium Stage
Women's Locker Room
Resources Requested
Name Setup In Configuration Note
8' Folding Table (54) Facilities will bring the tables on pallets from the Ops building to the SW outer doors to the Gym at 7am on W 9/4. This is to ensure the weather will not be a concern for staging them the day before. Tables will be setup after the mats are down by outside contractors, directed by Darius from HK, Mr. Gray & Mr. Augenstein of PS, using the diagram provided by Mr. Augenstein. 52 TABLES GO IN THE GYM & 2 TABLES NEED TO BE PLACED ALONG THE WALL BETWEEN THE GYM AND THE SECURITY DESK. During teardown, it is imperative that the tables go back onto the pallets stacked as they were when they arrived. Darius will be able to direct this to ensure the tables can be transported without being damaged.
Chair (Folding) (106) Please place 2 chairs at each of the 52 tables going in the Gym per the diagram provided by Mr. Augenstein. Please place 1 chair at each of the 2 tables going outside the Gym along the wall between the Gym and the Security Desk.
EVENT MATS / BARFIELD GYM Setup will be completed by outside contractor, beginning at 6:30am on W 9/4. Darius from HK will organize and direct the team laying the mats down to ensure the grid pattern and complete coverage needed. Teardown will begin as soon as the event is over and the colleges are cleared from the gym, again being completed by outside contractor and organized/directed by Darius from HK and Mr. Gray from PS. It is imperative that the mats are vacuumed prior to being stacked neatly to ensure they are clean, undamaged and ready for use the next time.
Tablecloths for 8' Tables / Black or White Please give these to PS organizers for use if a college representative needs a tablecover.
Services Requested
Name Setup In Configuration Note
Providence / Production - AV Support
Form Question and Answers
Question Answer
Barfield Gym Form - 5149A / Barfield Gymnasium
Please describe how you intend to use the requested Space College Fair
Will you need Gym Mats? If you will have tables and chairs, you must request the mats to protect the floor. The setup must be started 3:00 PM the day before the event. The teardown will require weekend housekeeping to be hired. Yes
Do you need tables and chairs setup? Yes
If yes, please describe how you would like them arranged. Please see diagram sent from Augenstein for table and chair layout for the college fair
Do you need Providence AV Support for Lighting, Audio, Ect.? Yes
If yes, please describe your production/media needs just microphone to be able to give instructions during the event