Providence Dance- Monday Hip Hop (3-5th grade) 5:30-6:30- 2nd Semester
Event ID: 3933068
Schedule ID: 6237819
Location: Main Campus
Date: 04/14/2025
Owner: Jessica Gartner -
Times: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
# of People: 13
Name Configuration Note
5230 / B204 / Dance Hall / Jessica Gartner
Services Requested
Name Setup In Configuration Note
Providence / Registration
Form Question and Answers
Question Answer
Registration Form - Providence / Registration
If this is a club, please list the club owner(s) to be listed on the online registration: Jessica Gartner
Location Name Providence Dance Room
Location Address 2701 Hodges Blvd., Jacksonville, Fl 32224
Ticket Price(s) and Label(s) (ex. Student $0, Chaperone $20, Alumni $15, etc.) $240.00
Description: This is information that will be on our website about your event. Use complete sentences. Providence Dance Monday 3-5th grade 5:30-6:30 Hip Hop Club: 2nd Semester
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: 3rd Grade
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: 4th Grade
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: 5th Grade
Do you want to cap one or more of your registration types (ex. 16 students, 10 chaperones, 300 people)? Yes
List the cap size for each registration/ticket type (ex. 16 students, 10 chaperones). If no cap, leave this blank. 13
Do you want a PROMO code created for your event? Yes
What do you want your PROMO code to be labeled (ex. alumni2024)? 5678dance
What amount do you want your PROMO code to deduct from the price (ex. $5, $15)? $48.00
I do not want to publish my registration on the website. My event is by invitation only. Please send me the link when it is ready. True