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Answer |
Registration Form - Providence / Registration |
Location Name |
San Jose, Costa Rica |
Location Address |
San Jose, Costa Rica |
Ticket Price(s) and Label(s) (ex. Student $0, Chaperone $20, Alumni $15, etc.) |
student deposit $200 |
Description: This is information that will be on our website about your event. Use complete sentences. |
The student deposit is non-refundable and will be sent to Joshua Expeditions and deposited in the student's account. Once the students are signed up through Joshua Expeditions, additional payments will be made directly to them. |
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: |
9th Grade |
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: |
10th Grade |
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: |
11th Grade |
Check the grade levels your event or club is available for: |
12th Grade |
Do you want to cap one or more of your registration types (ex. 16 students, 10 chaperones, 300 people)? |
No |
Do you want a PROMO code created for your event? |
Yes |
What do you want your PROMO code to be labeled (ex. alumni2024)? |
chaperone |
What amount do you want your PROMO code to deduct from the price (ex. $5, $15)? |
200 |
What date is the final installment payment due? |
10/25/2024 |
List any event specific questions to add (ex. sandwich type, shirt size ($0, $15), homeroom teacher). |
Name as it appears on a birth certificate or passport?
T-shirt size |
I do not want to publish my registration on the website. My event is by invitation only. Please send me the link when it is ready. |
False |