Event ID: 3595558
Schedule ID: 5724606
Location: Main Campus
Date: 05/17/2025
Owner: Carol Baker -
Times: 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM
# of People: 1500

Name Configuration Note
1117A / Fellowship Hall (Kitchen Side)
1117B / Fellowship Hall (Projector Side)
1118 / Fellowship Hall Kitchen
1131 / Sanctuary
1135 / Youth Room
1151 / Youth Room / Kitchen
1181 / Grand Foyer / New Life
1182 / Front Sidewalk / New Life
1183 / Overhang Drive-Thru
5140 / Men's Locker Room
5149A / Barfield Gymnasium
5149B / Barfield Gymnasium Stage
5149C / Barfield Gym Foyer / Dining Overflow
5150 / Main Dining Hall
Women's Locker Room
Resources Requested
Name Setup In Configuration Note
8' Folding Table (2)
Choir Risers / Each riser can accommodate up to 18 Upper School / Middle School and 25 Lower School students need 3 risers set up on stage for choir
HOUSEKEEPING NOTES trash can/bags for clean-up after graduation service.
Services Requested
Name Setup In Configuration Note
Providence / JSO (Police) or Security Guard Request (Providence) we will need two officers for graduation
Providence / Production - AV Support We need the screen for the slide show, microphones for the podium, and choir. We need 3 risers set up for the choir. The black drapes on the balcony need to be taken down. This should be the same as last year.
Form Question and Answers
Question Answer
Fellowship Hall Form - 1117A / Fellowship Hall (Kitchen Side)
Please describe how you intend to use the requested Space Hold space for graduation
Will you need Tables/Chairs? (Please make sure you request them under "Resources") No
Do you need assistance with the Projector, Microphone, or other technology? No
Sanctuary Form - 1131 / Sanctuary
Check if you need additional mics and audio equipment for rental. False
Please describe your audio, lighting, and video needs. we need a microphone, podium, video screen for slide show, three risers
Youth Room Form - 1135 / Youth Room
Please describe how you intend to use the requested Space Hold space for graduation
Do you need assistance with lighting, sound, or the projector? No
Do you need a special setup for Tables/Chairs? No
Barfield Gym Form - 5149A / Barfield Gymnasium
Please describe how you intend to use the requested Space Graduation
Will you need Gym Mats? If you will have tables and chairs, you must request the mats to protect the floor. The setup must be started 3:00 PM the day before the event. The teardown will require weekend housekeeping to be hired. No
Do you need tables and chairs setup? No
Do you need Providence AV Support for Lighting, Audio, Ect.? No
Main Dining Hall Form - 5150 / Main Dining Hall
Please describe how you intend to use the requested Space Hold space for graduation
Do you need to use the LED Screen? No
Have you Coordinated with Extended Day? (Contact: Laura Varnadore) True
Have you Coordinated with Housekeeping? (Contact: Johnny Allen) True
Have you Coordinated with Athletics? (Contact: Melissa Pennington) True
Security Request - Providence / JSO (Police) or Security Guard Request (Providence)
Are you requesting security from JSO or the Security Guard Company? JSO
Please describe your event and the need for security. We need two officers for graduation 9:00-1:00